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Che cosa studiamo: Le discipline che approfondiamo ogni giorno


  • Business management: Understanding the basics of business management, including financial management, operations management, and marketing management.

  • Innovation and entrepreneurship: Understanding the principles of innovation and entrepreneurship, including how to identify and evaluate business opportunities, and how to develop and implement new business models.

  • Marketing: Understanding the basics of marketing, including consumer behavior, market research, and the development of marketing strategies.

  • Finance: Understanding the basics of finance, including financial analysis, accounting, and financial modeling.

  • Economics: Understanding how the economy works, including macro and microeconomics, and how economic factors can impact a business.

  • Legal: Understanding the basics of business law, including contract law, intellectual property law, and labor laws.

  • Sales: Understanding the basics of sales, including how to generate leads, close deals, and build relationships with customers.

  • Leadership and management: Understanding how to lead and manage a team, including effective communication, motivation, and decision-making.

  • Business strategy: Understanding how to develop and implement a successful business strategy, including how to create a competitive advantage and how to grow a business.

  • Data analysis and decision making: Understanding how to use data to make decisions and measure the performance of a business.

  • Networking: Understanding how to build relationships and network effectively to gain access to resources, information, and potential partners and customers.

  • Product development: Understanding how to design and develop new products, and how to manage the product development process.

  • International business: Understanding how to conduct business in other countries, including cultural differences and legal requirements.

  • Supply chain management: Understanding how to manage the flow of goods and services, including procurement, logistics, and inventory management.

  • Business model innovation: Understanding how to develop and implement new business models, and how to identify and evaluate new business opportunities.

  • Growth hacking: Understanding how to use unconventional, data-driven and creative marketing techniques to grow a business quickly.

  • Network effects: Understanding how network effects can impact the growth and success of a business, and how to leverage them to gain a competitive advantage.

  • Product-market fit: Understanding how to identify a product-market fit and how to validate the demand for a product before launching it.

  • Lean startup: Understanding how to apply the lean startup methodology, which involves quickly creating a minimum viable product and then iterating based on customer feedback.

  • Pitch and presentation skills: Understanding how to effectively communicate the value of your business to potential investors, partners, and customers.

  • Time management and productivity: Understanding how to manage time effectively and increase productivity to achieve goals.

  • Crisis management: Understanding how to anticipate and manage potential crisis and mitigate their impact on the business.


  • HTML and CSS: So che sembra strano ma si aggiornano molto spesso...

  • JavaScript: il linguaggio web piu incredibile si aggiorna con frequenza

  • Responsive design: This is the practice of designing websites that can adapt to different screen sizes and devices.

  • Web development frameworks and libraries: se javascript è potente perche non studiare framework e libnrerie che lo rendono ancora piu versatile

  • Web development tools: such as Git, Webpack, Grunt, Gulp.

  • Accessibility: Understand how to make websites accessible to people with disabilities

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Understanding how to optimize websites to rank well in search engines

  • Graphic design and Adobe Creative Suite: Understanding the basics of graphic design and how to use tools such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator can be beneficial for creating web graphics and layouts.

  • User research and testing: Understanding how to conduct user research, user testing and gather feedback to improve web designs.

  • Project management: Understanding how to manage and organize web design projects, and how to work effectively as part of a team.

  • Content management systems (CMS): Understanding how to use popular CMS platforms such as WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla can be beneficial for creating and managing websites.

  • E-commerce: Understanding how to design and develop e-commerce websites, including integrating payment systems and shipping options.

  • Cloud computing: Understanding how to use cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform can be beneficial for hosting and scaling web applications.

  • Security: Understanding how to design and implement security measures to protect websites and user data.

  • Database management: Understanding how to design and work with databases, including SQL and noSQL databases can be beneficial for web development.

  • Internet of Things (IoT) : Understanding IoT technologies and how to develop web-based interfaces for IoT devices.

  • Mobile web development: Understanding how to design and develop mobile-friendly websites and mobile apps.

  • Server-side scripting: Understanding how to use server-side scripting languages such as PHP, Ruby on Rails, and Node.js can be beneficial for developing dynamic web applications

  • Agile development methodologies: Understanding how to work in an Agile environment can be beneficial for web design projects, as it allows for rapid iteration and flexibility in responding to changes and feedback.

  • Performance optimization: Understanding how to optimize the performance of web pages and applications, including techniques such as minification, compression, and caching.

  • Web analytics: Understanding how to use tools such as Google Analytics to track website performance and user behavior, and how to use this data to inform design decisions.

  • A/B testing: Understanding how to conduct A/B testing to compare different design variations and determine which performs best.

  • AI and Machine learning: Understanding how to integrate AI and Machine learning solutions in web design projects and how to use it to improve user experience.

  • Voice and gesture-based interfaces : Understanding how to design and develop voice and gesture-based interfaces for web applications.

  • Virtual and Augmented Reality : Understanding how to integrate VR and AR in web design projects and how to use it to improve user experience

Che si conoscano le cose oppure no, bisogna SEMPRE TESTARE TESTARE TESTARE, si prova, si sbaglia, si impara, si corregge, si migliora.

Tutte le discipline e le aree di competenza elencate sopra sono unite dal fatto che NON SI HA la GARANZIA E LA CERTEZZA di riuscita, ma sopratutto non si smette mai d'imparare sono in costante mutamente ed evoluzione.

Noi non siamo esperti ma STUDIOSI E RICERCATORI che applicano, testano e apprendono costantemente ogni giorno.

Design and Developed with love by AIFB Edoardo Guzzi Copyright © 2023 DrTecnico - Chlätterstrasse 4c 8458 Dorf ZH Schweiz

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